Nan zafè bon papa
Mwen pa janm wè konsa
Pase depi jòjya
Rive Kalifònya
Desann anba Mòtonn
Chankre anwo tòtonn
Pran tren al Bilinntonn
Tonbe jouk Wachinntonn
Mache nan soley cho
Men papa m tololo
Al chwe altèlboro
Anpasan Malboro
Pran bis al Dòchestè
Rodaylann nyouamchè
Desann tren al woustè
Pran poto Mannchestè
Pran sobwe pran aywe
Pran avyon fè sa w vle
Papa lejyonnaywe
Pagen konsa souple.
Frantz Le beau
mercredi, mai 28, 2008
lundi, mai 26, 2008
Assassiné ... mais vivant
Sur les limons maquillés
Déposés sur les velours de l'hyprocrisie
Mes pieds ont glissé hier matin
Hier matin
Et ce que j'avais craint
A cause de mes enfants trop petits se réalisait
Voyait le jour
Ils m'ont kidnapé séquestré saisi verrouillé ... mis en cage
Ils ont dépoché tout mon être
Pris mes livres ma plume les photos de mes enfants
Celles de ma femmes et le sourire qui
Comme d'habitude me suivait chaque jour
Ils m'ont tout pris avant de dépiécer mon corps en miettes morceaux
Enfin de compte
C'était fait ... ils m'ont coupé le corps
Ils m'ont tué ...
Laissant à mes cotés ce petit léger révolver
Le seul que je portais depuis longtemps
Et dans les seins de ma mère
Et dans mes rêves nus
Et dans mes plaintes tardives
Et dans les ghettos froids de mes midis
Et sur les rances de mes matins déréglés
Le seul
Ils me l'ont laissé
Eux qui après leurs forfaits
Devaient avec les talons de leurs souliers entachés de sang
Retourner chez eux dans la caverne de la honte
Bien entendu je ne sais pas pourquoi
Ils l'ont fait ainsi vu la rage qui les emparaient
Il se pourrait bien qu'il n'y ait pas de place chez eux
Pour ces genres de choses faites
Pour replacer l'homme dans son humanité
Ou bien il me l'ont laissé en cadeau
Juste pour délier le gouffre moelleux de l'espace
Me permettant de faire à bien ma route infinie
oh !
Il a fallu voir tout Ça
Ah ! Ah ! Ah !
Ils m'ont laissé que ce petit poème
Dont lignes se sont désamorcées sous la sueur de mes pores humides
Celui-là que j'intitulais " Sur le pont de l'amour "
Pendant que j'étais sur le boulevard rimé de la Passion avec mes amis
Seul ce petit poème qu'ils n'ont pas détruit
Seule ma vie qu'ils n'ont pas tuée
Ah ! Ah ! Ah !
Il a fallu voir tout Ça.
Frantz Le beau
Déposés sur les velours de l'hyprocrisie
Mes pieds ont glissé hier matin
Hier matin
Et ce que j'avais craint
A cause de mes enfants trop petits se réalisait
Voyait le jour
Ils m'ont kidnapé séquestré saisi verrouillé ... mis en cage
Ils ont dépoché tout mon être
Pris mes livres ma plume les photos de mes enfants
Celles de ma femmes et le sourire qui
Comme d'habitude me suivait chaque jour
Ils m'ont tout pris avant de dépiécer mon corps en miettes morceaux
Enfin de compte
C'était fait ... ils m'ont coupé le corps
Ils m'ont tué ...
Laissant à mes cotés ce petit léger révolver
Le seul que je portais depuis longtemps
Et dans les seins de ma mère
Et dans mes rêves nus
Et dans mes plaintes tardives
Et dans les ghettos froids de mes midis
Et sur les rances de mes matins déréglés
Le seul
Ils me l'ont laissé
Eux qui après leurs forfaits
Devaient avec les talons de leurs souliers entachés de sang
Retourner chez eux dans la caverne de la honte
Bien entendu je ne sais pas pourquoi
Ils l'ont fait ainsi vu la rage qui les emparaient
Il se pourrait bien qu'il n'y ait pas de place chez eux
Pour ces genres de choses faites
Pour replacer l'homme dans son humanité
Ou bien il me l'ont laissé en cadeau
Juste pour délier le gouffre moelleux de l'espace
Me permettant de faire à bien ma route infinie
oh !
Il a fallu voir tout Ça
Ah ! Ah ! Ah !
Ils m'ont laissé que ce petit poème
Dont lignes se sont désamorcées sous la sueur de mes pores humides
Celui-là que j'intitulais " Sur le pont de l'amour "
Pendant que j'étais sur le boulevard rimé de la Passion avec mes amis
Seul ce petit poème qu'ils n'ont pas détruit
Seule ma vie qu'ils n'ont pas tuée
Ah ! Ah ! Ah !
Il a fallu voir tout Ça.
Frantz Le beau
vendredi, mai 23, 2008
F♪te des mères à la Dabart en Haiti
Hier soir
Sous une lune bousculée par des nuages éparses
Pendant que des gouttes de pluie s'apprêtaient
A transpercer le toit en tôles d'une maison de mots à Martissant
Et qu'une senteur profonde de chocolat et de pains chauds
Séquestrait déjà toute la salle
Elles étaient plus qu'une cinquantaine de jeunes filles
Issues d'une association de femmes
Célébrant la f♪tes des mères pour les enfants des rues
A m'entendre déclamer "l'éternel poème" de Dabart
Gestes et voix confondus
On dirait que c'était de moi
Que découlait cette si divine inspiration
Des lèvres noires semblables à des caimites des champs lointains
Que déchiraient les griffes des oiseaux voraces
Chaudes comme elles seules
Me couvraient de baisers antillais
Et moi pauvre petit diseur
Conscient du travail de mon auteur
Je demandais à ce qu'on lui donne de loin ses fleurs ... son dû
Et de là elles commenÇaient par chuchoter son nom
Semblable à des hirondelles chantant suavement de leur voix douce
Pour glorifier le vert de la nature
L'ambiance était tellement poétique
Elle me portait à faire abstraction à ce petit écolier
Qui animé par l'envie de voir, de toucher ... oui d'admirer de ses yeux même
Longeait à pieds le béton enflammé du boulevard Hailé Sélassié I
Cette route menant à l'aéroport de Port-au-prince
Dansant sous la musique de la fanfare du lycée
Brulé par le chaud soleil d'un midi d'Avril
A la rencontre de Senghor
Lorsque tout frèle ce jour-là
Noir comme son ombre sous ce soleil qui le grillait
Il le saluait de ses mains toutes petites et tremblantes
Oui le poète-président qui dans la soirée de demain devait
En plein coeur de l'auditorium de l'institut franÇais d'Haiti
Déclamer à haute voix son chef d'oeuvre intitulé "femme nue, femme noire"
ô comme c'est beau lorsqu'on était dehors pour longtemps
Et qu'on apporte de la vie vraie pour les enfants
Oui, des mots qui disent vrai
Des gestes qui montrent clair
Un poème pour leur coeur.
Frantz Le beau
Sous une lune bousculée par des nuages éparses
Pendant que des gouttes de pluie s'apprêtaient
A transpercer le toit en tôles d'une maison de mots à Martissant
Et qu'une senteur profonde de chocolat et de pains chauds
Séquestrait déjà toute la salle
Elles étaient plus qu'une cinquantaine de jeunes filles
Issues d'une association de femmes
Célébrant la f♪tes des mères pour les enfants des rues
A m'entendre déclamer "l'éternel poème" de Dabart
Gestes et voix confondus
On dirait que c'était de moi
Que découlait cette si divine inspiration
Des lèvres noires semblables à des caimites des champs lointains
Que déchiraient les griffes des oiseaux voraces
Chaudes comme elles seules
Me couvraient de baisers antillais
Et moi pauvre petit diseur
Conscient du travail de mon auteur
Je demandais à ce qu'on lui donne de loin ses fleurs ... son dû
Et de là elles commenÇaient par chuchoter son nom
Semblable à des hirondelles chantant suavement de leur voix douce
Pour glorifier le vert de la nature
L'ambiance était tellement poétique
Elle me portait à faire abstraction à ce petit écolier
Qui animé par l'envie de voir, de toucher ... oui d'admirer de ses yeux même
Longeait à pieds le béton enflammé du boulevard Hailé Sélassié I
Cette route menant à l'aéroport de Port-au-prince
Dansant sous la musique de la fanfare du lycée
Brulé par le chaud soleil d'un midi d'Avril
A la rencontre de Senghor
Lorsque tout frèle ce jour-là
Noir comme son ombre sous ce soleil qui le grillait
Il le saluait de ses mains toutes petites et tremblantes
Oui le poète-président qui dans la soirée de demain devait
En plein coeur de l'auditorium de l'institut franÇais d'Haiti
Déclamer à haute voix son chef d'oeuvre intitulé "femme nue, femme noire"
ô comme c'est beau lorsqu'on était dehors pour longtemps
Et qu'on apporte de la vie vraie pour les enfants
Oui, des mots qui disent vrai
Des gestes qui montrent clair
Un poème pour leur coeur.
Frantz Le beau
lundi, mai 19, 2008
Nos "papa" femmes et enfants de TBC
De leurs tons de pasteur
On voit l'amour de Dieu
Ces pères qui rivent leurs coeurs
Entiers à ce saint lieu
De leurs sourire de diacres
La vie nous vient en plein
On voit en fait des âcres
De terres fleuries de saints
De leurs chants de croyant
On voit en eux des anges
Surtout quand leurs enfants
S'adonnent à leurs louanges
Ils nous préservent la cour
Quand nous sommes dans l'enceinte
Montrent à nous leur amour
Sans malice et sans feinte
Ils nous raniment ô femmes
Enfants de TBC
Quand bien la neige infâme
Ils donnent à la cour vie
Ils nous conservent la joie
De nos dimanches matins
Pour célébrer la croix
Boussole des pèlerins
Ce soir c'est le jour même
Pour dire le mot chéri
Celui d'un je vous aime
Papa de TBC.
Frantz Le beau
On voit l'amour de Dieu
Ces pères qui rivent leurs coeurs
Entiers à ce saint lieu
De leurs sourire de diacres
La vie nous vient en plein
On voit en fait des âcres
De terres fleuries de saints
De leurs chants de croyant
On voit en eux des anges
Surtout quand leurs enfants
S'adonnent à leurs louanges
Ils nous préservent la cour
Quand nous sommes dans l'enceinte
Montrent à nous leur amour
Sans malice et sans feinte
Ils nous raniment ô femmes
Enfants de TBC
Quand bien la neige infâme
Ils donnent à la cour vie
Ils nous conservent la joie
De nos dimanches matins
Pour célébrer la croix
Boussole des pèlerins
Ce soir c'est le jour même
Pour dire le mot chéri
Celui d'un je vous aime
Papa de TBC.
Frantz Le beau
Bonne fête papa
"Ami, à toi je dis un grand merci
Pour tes paroles douces et si gentilles
Homme de bonté et d’une grande sensibilité
Qui trouve toujours les mots justes
Pour mettre du baume au cœur
On ne se connaît pas pour ainsi dire
Si ce n’est par le biais de nos claviers
Qui n’empêche en rien ce lien d’amitié
Car les mots et les pensées n’ont pas de frontières
Et aujourd’hui c’est avec mes faibles mots à moi
Que j’envoie ces quelques pensées vers toi"
Pour tes paroles douces et si gentilles
Homme de bonté et d’une grande sensibilité
Qui trouve toujours les mots justes
Pour mettre du baume au cœur
On ne se connaît pas pour ainsi dire
Si ce n’est par le biais de nos claviers
Qui n’empêche en rien ce lien d’amitié
Car les mots et les pensées n’ont pas de frontières
Et aujourd’hui c’est avec mes faibles mots à moi
Que j’envoie ces quelques pensées vers toi"
dimanche, mai 11, 2008
Résultat des examens du CEP Session extraordinaire Juin 2008
Abolotio Dieula
Abolotio Mario
Abolotio Régine
Abolotio Suzete
Adolphe Sylvie
Alchita Timoun
Alchita Vagabon
Alchita Vaurien
Alchita yon Kote
Alchita Yves
Alexandre Edith
Alexandre Maude
Alexandre Raphael
Alexandre Yvon
Alexis Myriam
Alexix Sarah
Alexis Willy
Ambroise Mimose
Ambroise Myriam
Ambroise Paul Flavy
Apollon Jean
Apollon Fritz
A pollon Marie Joene
Apollon yvena
Aride Raphael
Armand Edith
Ban nou pastè Abèd
Ban nou pastè Carle
Ban nou pastè Fred
Ban nou pastè Mario
Baptiste nite
Baptiste Edmond
Barack Bijoux
Barack Bonny
Barack Phito
Barthelemy Edna
Barthelemy joseph
Barthelemy Myrta
Baytraka Batfanm
Baytraka Démon
Baytraka Diable
Baytraka Péche
Baytraka Violence
Bellevue fritz
Bellevue Henry
Bellevue Ipromène
Benoit Amos
Benoit Ernice Stacy
Bernard Jean
Bernard Lointain
Bernard Marie Jeannette
Bijou Armelle
Bijou Fanfan
Bijou Maude
Bijou Mireille
Bonhomme gabriel
Bonhomme Hans
Bonhomme Mimose
Bonnet Alice
Bonet André
Bonnet Boniface
Bonnet Dieucile
Bordenave Joseph
Bordenave Josephine
Bordenave Margaret
Bossuet André
Bossuet Frantz
Bossuet Myriam
Bossuet Yvrose
Bourcicot Janvier
Bourcicot Jocelyne
Boussicot Islande
Bourcicot Louis
Bourcicot Rousebert
Bousseau Andréline
Bousseau Fanon
Bousseau Ghislaine
Bresilia Eliphete
Bresilia Enock
Bresilia Vasquez
Brtus Arnold
Brutus Carmen
Camelien Suze
Carasco Danielle
Cardichon Martelle
Carty Rose vonne
Casseus Henry
Casseus Fred
Casseus Joseph
Casseus Nadia
Casseus Nancy
Casseus Nathalie
Casseus Rosanna
Celestin Jude
Celestin Justine
Celestin Marie Joseph P
Celestin Maurice
Celestin Myrta
Cesar Le grand
Cesar Le faux
Cesar Manette
Champagne Alexis
Champagne Alouidor
Champagne Marie Agaie
Chanlate alentine
Charles Martin
Charles Sandra
Charles Rose Marie
Charles soeurette
Chérubin Ciel
Chérubin Sandra
Chery Cocote
Chery Jeanine
Chery Jeannette
Chery Kescia
Chery Mon amour
Clerdonna Agate
Clervot Baudelaire
Clervot Molène B
Collot Marie Marseille
Crazepeyi Bertrand
Crazepeyi Magouyè
Dabel Patricia
Darius Mita
Dera Ketchline
Dérivois Amide
Derivois Emmeline
Derivois Marie Carmelle
Désir Jean
Désir Fritzner
Désir Marie A
Désir Nadège
Désir Sylvie
Désir Margarette V
Desrivières Claude
Dérivières Hans
Dérivières Marie Claude
Desrose Anite
Desrose Hector
Desrose Sonia
Dubois Antonine
Dubois Cajou
Dubois Dor
Dubois Gaillac
Dubois Ruth
Dumersaint Ali
Dumersaint Michelange
Dupiton Lesly
Dupiton Lucien
Dupiton Sylvie
Duplessy Marie Antoine
Duplessy arie Jessie
Dupuy M casse
Dupuy Marie Jessie
Duré Avril
Duré Longtemps
Dué Magdaléna
Duré Mariejo
Duré Marlène
Duvil Alicia
Duvil Anne-Marie
Duvil Bibiane
Edouard Jessy
Estime Marie
Fanor Josette
Fanor Ivyne
Fernézan Marjorie
Fleurinord Jeannide
Francillon Henry
Francillon Lorete
FranÇois élourdes
FranÇois Eudovia
FranÇois Monique
FranÇois Yolette
FranÇois Yolette D
Gabeau Estiverne
Gabeau Eme raldine
Gabeau Géralde
Georgeon Marie Modeleine
Germain Sizelle V
Guillaume uerline
Henry Marie Carmelle
Honoré Chantale
onoré Dalouse
Intatad Moise
Intatad Alphonse
Intatad Patrick
Irandor Marie Elianise
Jabouin Claudette
Jacques Marie Carmelle
Jacquet Destin
Jacquet Edna
Jan l pase l pase
Jan l pase zafè
Jean Alan
Jean Alalavi
Jean Alexandra
Jean Hermite
Jean Lucette
Jean Marie Cécile
Jean Marie U
Jean Baptiste Elsie
Jean Baptiste Gina
Jean Charles Magalie
Jean-gilles Carmelle
Jean jacques Lesly
Jean Jacques Solita
Jean Simon Yolaine
A suivre Musique Militaire
Abolotio Mario
Abolotio Régine
Abolotio Suzete
Adolphe Sylvie
Alchita Timoun
Alchita Vagabon
Alchita Vaurien
Alchita yon Kote
Alchita Yves
Alexandre Edith
Alexandre Maude
Alexandre Raphael
Alexandre Yvon
Alexis Myriam
Alexix Sarah
Alexis Willy
Ambroise Mimose
Ambroise Myriam
Ambroise Paul Flavy
Apollon Jean
Apollon Fritz
A pollon Marie Joene
Apollon yvena
Aride Raphael
Armand Edith
Ban nou pastè Abèd
Ban nou pastè Carle
Ban nou pastè Fred
Ban nou pastè Mario
Baptiste nite
Baptiste Edmond
Barack Bijoux
Barack Bonny
Barack Phito
Barthelemy Edna
Barthelemy joseph
Barthelemy Myrta
Baytraka Batfanm
Baytraka Démon
Baytraka Diable
Baytraka Péche
Baytraka Violence
Bellevue fritz
Bellevue Henry
Bellevue Ipromène
Benoit Amos
Benoit Ernice Stacy
Bernard Jean
Bernard Lointain
Bernard Marie Jeannette
Bijou Armelle
Bijou Fanfan
Bijou Maude
Bijou Mireille
Bonhomme gabriel
Bonhomme Hans
Bonhomme Mimose
Bonnet Alice
Bonet André
Bonnet Boniface
Bonnet Dieucile
Bordenave Joseph
Bordenave Josephine
Bordenave Margaret
Bossuet André
Bossuet Frantz
Bossuet Myriam
Bossuet Yvrose
Bourcicot Janvier
Bourcicot Jocelyne
Boussicot Islande
Bourcicot Louis
Bourcicot Rousebert
Bousseau Andréline
Bousseau Fanon
Bousseau Ghislaine
Bresilia Eliphete
Bresilia Enock
Bresilia Vasquez
Brtus Arnold
Brutus Carmen
Camelien Suze
Carasco Danielle
Cardichon Martelle
Carty Rose vonne
Casseus Henry
Casseus Fred
Casseus Joseph
Casseus Nadia
Casseus Nancy
Casseus Nathalie
Casseus Rosanna
Celestin Jude
Celestin Justine
Celestin Marie Joseph P
Celestin Maurice
Celestin Myrta
Cesar Le grand
Cesar Le faux
Cesar Manette
Champagne Alexis
Champagne Alouidor
Champagne Marie Agaie
Chanlate alentine
Charles Martin
Charles Sandra
Charles Rose Marie
Charles soeurette
Chérubin Ciel
Chérubin Sandra
Chery Cocote
Chery Jeanine
Chery Jeannette
Chery Kescia
Chery Mon amour
Clerdonna Agate
Clervot Baudelaire
Clervot Molène B
Collot Marie Marseille
Crazepeyi Bertrand
Crazepeyi Magouyè
Dabel Patricia
Darius Mita
Dera Ketchline
Dérivois Amide
Derivois Emmeline
Derivois Marie Carmelle
Désir Jean
Désir Fritzner
Désir Marie A
Désir Nadège
Désir Sylvie
Désir Margarette V
Desrivières Claude
Dérivières Hans
Dérivières Marie Claude
Desrose Anite
Desrose Hector
Desrose Sonia
Dubois Antonine
Dubois Cajou
Dubois Dor
Dubois Gaillac
Dubois Ruth
Dumersaint Ali
Dumersaint Michelange
Dupiton Lesly
Dupiton Lucien
Dupiton Sylvie
Duplessy Marie Antoine
Duplessy arie Jessie
Dupuy M casse
Dupuy Marie Jessie
Duré Avril
Duré Longtemps
Dué Magdaléna
Duré Mariejo
Duré Marlène
Duvil Alicia
Duvil Anne-Marie
Duvil Bibiane
Edouard Jessy
Estime Marie
Fanor Josette
Fanor Ivyne
Fernézan Marjorie
Fleurinord Jeannide
Francillon Henry
Francillon Lorete
FranÇois élourdes
FranÇois Eudovia
FranÇois Monique
FranÇois Yolette
FranÇois Yolette D
Gabeau Estiverne
Gabeau Eme raldine
Gabeau Géralde
Georgeon Marie Modeleine
Germain Sizelle V
Guillaume uerline
Henry Marie Carmelle
Honoré Chantale
onoré Dalouse
Intatad Moise
Intatad Alphonse
Intatad Patrick
Irandor Marie Elianise
Jabouin Claudette
Jacques Marie Carmelle
Jacquet Destin
Jacquet Edna
Jan l pase l pase
Jan l pase zafè
Jean Alan
Jean Alalavi
Jean Alexandra
Jean Hermite
Jean Lucette
Jean Marie Cécile
Jean Marie U
Jean Baptiste Elsie
Jean Baptiste Gina
Jean Charles Magalie
Jean-gilles Carmelle
Jean jacques Lesly
Jean Jacques Solita
Jean Simon Yolaine
A suivre Musique Militaire
vendredi, mai 09, 2008
Une dernière fois ... lis-moi
Hier soir ... bien tard
Après tout ce bruit là
Pendant que sombre je rentrais chez moi
J'ai vu un coeur accosté à la barrière de devant
Un coeur ...
Son corps battait semblable à un vers gai
Voulant se détacher de son quatrain morose
Un coeur vif
J'ai prié dans mon coeur
Et finalement
Je l'ai épargné
Pour regagner mon lit
Hier soir ... bien tard
Ce matin
Me réveillant très tt
Car je ne pouvais vraiment dormir
Pendant que j'arrosais les fleurs d'à coté
Ce m♪me coeur là
Tout battant encore
Je l'ai vu
Chantant toutes sortes de chants
Délivrant toutes sortes d'évangiles possibles
Pour intégrer mon ♪tre
Et moi
Quoique menacé
A vivre le reste de ma vie bien loin du tien
Je l'ai toisé en vérité
Car mon sang ne marchait pas
Oui !
Un coeur ...
Hier soir ... bien tard
Frantz Le beau
Après tout ce bruit là
Pendant que sombre je rentrais chez moi
J'ai vu un coeur accosté à la barrière de devant
Un coeur ...
Son corps battait semblable à un vers gai
Voulant se détacher de son quatrain morose
Un coeur vif
J'ai prié dans mon coeur
Et finalement
Je l'ai épargné
Pour regagner mon lit
Hier soir ... bien tard
Ce matin
Me réveillant très tt
Car je ne pouvais vraiment dormir
Pendant que j'arrosais les fleurs d'à coté
Ce m♪me coeur là
Tout battant encore
Je l'ai vu
Chantant toutes sortes de chants
Délivrant toutes sortes d'évangiles possibles
Pour intégrer mon ♪tre
Et moi
Quoique menacé
A vivre le reste de ma vie bien loin du tien
Je l'ai toisé en vérité
Car mon sang ne marchait pas
Oui !
Un coeur ...
Hier soir ... bien tard
Frantz Le beau
mardi, mai 06, 2008
Capital punishment
People are made by the grace of their creator with a lot of things e.i wills that make free to do every things they want and differe them each other. By example I make exercices every day because I want to be strong or to feel good in my body while my neighbor doesn't want it but likes to go to the forest to kill animals. Any way people make their own choice just for them to protect themselves. But the laws are made to punish some behavior the the society judge bad for its well-beings and at the same way condemn the perpetrators of these misbehavior by breaking these laws. These punishments are not appeling vigor because their not in a same proportion. Some of them are called for arson at the same time others are called for murder or terrorist acts. But we are going to talk only about capital punishment.
Generally, philosophers discuss punishment in terme of five elements. For somethings to be punishment, it must 1) pain, 2)be administred for an offense against a law or rule, 3) be administred to someone who has been judge guilty of an offense, 4) be imposed by someone other thean the offender, 5) be imposed by rigthful authority. Whether a punishment is commensurate with an offense, whether it is fair and equitable - these are very important moral and legal questions. But they must be distinguished from the question of what punishment is.
The last four traditional sanctions is the capital punishment, or a sentence of death. A death sentence is, of course, the most extree sentencing option available in the U.S..A today. In 1995, the state of New-York reinstated the death penalty after a thirty-year hiatus, and today thirty-eight states and the federal government make capital punishment and option when serious crimes are committed. Approximately 3,800 deaths row inmates languish in the nation's prisons, while around 100 excutions are carried out yearly. The number of annual excutions has been steadily rising as changes in the law and the recent supreme court decision have facilitated an increasing rate of legal death.
Capital punishment, as a sentencing possibility, was absent fron federal law for a number of years prior to its reestablishment under the 1988 Anti-Drug Abuse Act, which included the possibility of capital punishment for drug-related murders. The 1994 Federal Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act dramatically raised the number of crimes punishable by death under federal juridiction to around sisty distinct offenses. Capital punishment can be analyzed from three quite different point of view : 1) a legal perspective, which includes constitutional issues; 2) a philosiphical, moral, and ethical perspective; and 3) via empirical analysis of data on deterrence, public opinion, and so on.
Does the capital punishment succeed in deterring potential murderes ? At first glance, the answer seems to be a resounding yes. After all, virtualy, everyone seems deterred from lwabreaking by relatively mild intimidation - for example, being towed away for illegal parking or losing one's driver's license for recklessness. How much more, common sense suggests, must potential murderers be intimidated by the threat of their own death at the excutioner's hand. In this instance, however, common sense misleads by failing to recognize that murderers differ from the rest of us in important respects.
First, there's the large category of murderers who kill in a fit of rage or passion. A barroom brawl escalates and one mankills another; in a gang fight a member of one group kills a member of another, perhaps to save face or avenge a harm; in a family quarrel a person kills a relative when things get out of hand. The list goes on and on. Such murders, of which are many, are committed not with forethought of the consequences, but in a moment of white-hot anger. Hence not even the death penalty is likely to deter these murderers. Then there's a category of so-called professional criminals, those who deliberately calculate when, where, and how to commit crimes. It's not at all clear that this type of criminal is deterred by the death penalty. In fact, if professional criminala perceive the likely punishment for nonhomicidal crimes as so overly severe, they might be encourage to kill their victim and witnesses rather than risk getting caught: Killing these people greately increases the criminals chances of getting away with their crime, and so they may not in the last be deterred by the threat of the death penalty.
Besides these kinds of potential murderers are those who seemingly have a death wish. The annals of psychiatry are replete with cases of people so emotionally disturbed that they kill in order to win the death penalty to end their tortured existence. In effect, their murderous acts are expressions of suicidal impulses. Since they lack the nerve to kill themselves, they want someone else to do it for them- in this caes, the state.
But, what case of so-called normal, nonsuicidal persons who carefully weight the risks before killing? Are these potential murderers by the death penalty? Even here, the deterrent effect of capital punishment is by no means obvious or certain. What's required is a determination of how many, if any, calculating potential murderers who are not deterred by the threat of life emprisonment would be deterred by the threat of deat. Even if such a determination is possible, it's not obvious or certain that there would be any such people at all, or much more than a small number annually.
A further complication in acessing the death p[enalty as deterrent relates not to factual questions such as the preceding, but to the moral and legal costs of deterrence. Some claim there's a basic incompatibility between the deterrent efficacy of the death penalty and due process, which refers to a constitutionally guaranteed, specific, systematic procedure of appeal. The death penalty can be deterrent, the argument goes, only if due process is sacrified. Conversly, due process can govern the inflicting of capital punishment but at the cost of deterrence. When human life is at issue - as of course it is a capital punishment cases - the courts have been undertandably scrupulous in reviewing cases for error and ensuring that the basic rights have been respected. The consequences of this process of rigorous judicial review are quite apparent: increasing delays of execution, an ever-increasing percentage of those convicted who are never excuted, and large numbers of convictions overtuned.
Some people say that capital punishment is nothing han legalized murder. Whatever crime amab has committed, he's still a human being, and every human life has inherent dignity and worth. We have to protect ourselves from them and we have to send a clear signal to other would-be murderers that society will not tolerate heinous crime. But life imprisonment without possibility of parole is sufficient punishment and deterrent. To strap a fellow human being into a chair and give him a lethal dose of gas, a lethal jolt of electricity, or a lethal injection is unworthy of a civilized society. Capital punishment should have gone the way of legalized torture and mutilition years ago. It, too, is cruel and unusual punishment, and like them it's morally unacceptable in today's world.
"Statistics show two very disturbing facts about the way capital punishment is imposed in our society. First, the poor, the underprileged, and members of minority groups are far more like to be executed than the rich, the influential, and whites. Second, the death penalty is far more like to be imposed when the victim is white than when the victim is a member of a minority group. Regardless of your high-minded principles, capital punishment shows at best a respect for affluent white life, not human life in general. Because its implementation is patently discriminatory and unjust, it must be stopped"
Though the bias mentionned is indeed unjust, it's irrelevant to the morality of capital punishment. After all, the same charges have often been made against our criminal justice systems in general. Of course, such bias shoud be rooted out wherever it exists; and of course, comparable crimes shoud bring the same punishment. But whether capital punishment is justified for the worst of crimes is one issue. Whether it's currently implemented in a justifiable way is another.
" The innocent are often convicted of crimes. As tragic as that is when the sentence is a prison term, the trajedy is far worse when the sentence is death. In the former case society can at least make some reparation for time unjustly served., but no fact is more obvious than the fact that nothing can be done for the dead. To excute even one innocent person is inexcusable, and there's no way in the world that we can rule that possibility out without abolishing the dead penalty"
" I can't deny that the execution of an innocent human being is a terrible tragedy. Nor can I deny that the possibility will always be there. That's why we require such safeguards as the automatic right of appeal after capital convictions. But given these safeguards, the possibility remains extremely slim. And as unfortunately as that slim risk is, like many other unfortunate risk it's one worth taking. The thousands of murders committed in the U.S.A each year require us to take it.
A full study of the cost and benefits involved the practice of capital punishment would not be confined solely to the question of whether it is a better deterrent or preventive of murder than imprisonment. Any thoroughgoing utilitarian approch to the death-penalty controversy would need to examine carefuully other cotts and bene fits as well, because maximizing the balance of all the social benefits over all the social costs is the sole criterion of right and wrong according to utilitarianism. Let us consider, therefore, some of the other costs and bene fits to be calculated. Clinical psychologists have presented evidence to suggest that the death penalty actually incites some persons of unstable mind murder others, either because they are afraid to take their own lives and hope that society will punish them for murder by putting them to death, or because they fancy that they, too, are killing with justification analogously to the lawful and presumably justified killing involved in capital punishment. If such evidence is sound, capital punishment can serve as a counter-preventive or even an incitement to murder; such incited murders become parts of its cost. Imprisonment, however, has not been known to incite any murders or other crimes of violence in a comparable fashion.
In sum, capital punishment, by the way that the state executes it might be scaring people in a certain sense. But leave these so bad crimes and their perpetrators running in the society without strongly be punished can be seen as a true weakness in the judicial field. Society has to play strongly its partition and make criminals out of boring polit people. Any way, there are certain mistakes that they have to be able to solve in the legal field just to reduce the way that innocents might be paying for nothing and be killed for other people.
Generally, philosophers discuss punishment in terme of five elements. For somethings to be punishment, it must 1) pain, 2)be administred for an offense against a law or rule, 3) be administred to someone who has been judge guilty of an offense, 4) be imposed by someone other thean the offender, 5) be imposed by rigthful authority. Whether a punishment is commensurate with an offense, whether it is fair and equitable - these are very important moral and legal questions. But they must be distinguished from the question of what punishment is.
The last four traditional sanctions is the capital punishment, or a sentence of death. A death sentence is, of course, the most extree sentencing option available in the U.S..A today. In 1995, the state of New-York reinstated the death penalty after a thirty-year hiatus, and today thirty-eight states and the federal government make capital punishment and option when serious crimes are committed. Approximately 3,800 deaths row inmates languish in the nation's prisons, while around 100 excutions are carried out yearly. The number of annual excutions has been steadily rising as changes in the law and the recent supreme court decision have facilitated an increasing rate of legal death.
Capital punishment, as a sentencing possibility, was absent fron federal law for a number of years prior to its reestablishment under the 1988 Anti-Drug Abuse Act, which included the possibility of capital punishment for drug-related murders. The 1994 Federal Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act dramatically raised the number of crimes punishable by death under federal juridiction to around sisty distinct offenses. Capital punishment can be analyzed from three quite different point of view : 1) a legal perspective, which includes constitutional issues; 2) a philosiphical, moral, and ethical perspective; and 3) via empirical analysis of data on deterrence, public opinion, and so on.
Does the capital punishment succeed in deterring potential murderes ? At first glance, the answer seems to be a resounding yes. After all, virtualy, everyone seems deterred from lwabreaking by relatively mild intimidation - for example, being towed away for illegal parking or losing one's driver's license for recklessness. How much more, common sense suggests, must potential murderers be intimidated by the threat of their own death at the excutioner's hand. In this instance, however, common sense misleads by failing to recognize that murderers differ from the rest of us in important respects.
First, there's the large category of murderers who kill in a fit of rage or passion. A barroom brawl escalates and one mankills another; in a gang fight a member of one group kills a member of another, perhaps to save face or avenge a harm; in a family quarrel a person kills a relative when things get out of hand. The list goes on and on. Such murders, of which are many, are committed not with forethought of the consequences, but in a moment of white-hot anger. Hence not even the death penalty is likely to deter these murderers. Then there's a category of so-called professional criminals, those who deliberately calculate when, where, and how to commit crimes. It's not at all clear that this type of criminal is deterred by the death penalty. In fact, if professional criminala perceive the likely punishment for nonhomicidal crimes as so overly severe, they might be encourage to kill their victim and witnesses rather than risk getting caught: Killing these people greately increases the criminals chances of getting away with their crime, and so they may not in the last be deterred by the threat of the death penalty.
Besides these kinds of potential murderers are those who seemingly have a death wish. The annals of psychiatry are replete with cases of people so emotionally disturbed that they kill in order to win the death penalty to end their tortured existence. In effect, their murderous acts are expressions of suicidal impulses. Since they lack the nerve to kill themselves, they want someone else to do it for them- in this caes, the state.
But, what case of so-called normal, nonsuicidal persons who carefully weight the risks before killing? Are these potential murderers by the death penalty? Even here, the deterrent effect of capital punishment is by no means obvious or certain. What's required is a determination of how many, if any, calculating potential murderers who are not deterred by the threat of life emprisonment would be deterred by the threat of deat. Even if such a determination is possible, it's not obvious or certain that there would be any such people at all, or much more than a small number annually.
A further complication in acessing the death p[enalty as deterrent relates not to factual questions such as the preceding, but to the moral and legal costs of deterrence. Some claim there's a basic incompatibility between the deterrent efficacy of the death penalty and due process, which refers to a constitutionally guaranteed, specific, systematic procedure of appeal. The death penalty can be deterrent, the argument goes, only if due process is sacrified. Conversly, due process can govern the inflicting of capital punishment but at the cost of deterrence. When human life is at issue - as of course it is a capital punishment cases - the courts have been undertandably scrupulous in reviewing cases for error and ensuring that the basic rights have been respected. The consequences of this process of rigorous judicial review are quite apparent: increasing delays of execution, an ever-increasing percentage of those convicted who are never excuted, and large numbers of convictions overtuned.
Some people say that capital punishment is nothing han legalized murder. Whatever crime amab has committed, he's still a human being, and every human life has inherent dignity and worth. We have to protect ourselves from them and we have to send a clear signal to other would-be murderers that society will not tolerate heinous crime. But life imprisonment without possibility of parole is sufficient punishment and deterrent. To strap a fellow human being into a chair and give him a lethal dose of gas, a lethal jolt of electricity, or a lethal injection is unworthy of a civilized society. Capital punishment should have gone the way of legalized torture and mutilition years ago. It, too, is cruel and unusual punishment, and like them it's morally unacceptable in today's world.
"Statistics show two very disturbing facts about the way capital punishment is imposed in our society. First, the poor, the underprileged, and members of minority groups are far more like to be executed than the rich, the influential, and whites. Second, the death penalty is far more like to be imposed when the victim is white than when the victim is a member of a minority group. Regardless of your high-minded principles, capital punishment shows at best a respect for affluent white life, not human life in general. Because its implementation is patently discriminatory and unjust, it must be stopped"
Though the bias mentionned is indeed unjust, it's irrelevant to the morality of capital punishment. After all, the same charges have often been made against our criminal justice systems in general. Of course, such bias shoud be rooted out wherever it exists; and of course, comparable crimes shoud bring the same punishment. But whether capital punishment is justified for the worst of crimes is one issue. Whether it's currently implemented in a justifiable way is another.
" The innocent are often convicted of crimes. As tragic as that is when the sentence is a prison term, the trajedy is far worse when the sentence is death. In the former case society can at least make some reparation for time unjustly served., but no fact is more obvious than the fact that nothing can be done for the dead. To excute even one innocent person is inexcusable, and there's no way in the world that we can rule that possibility out without abolishing the dead penalty"
" I can't deny that the execution of an innocent human being is a terrible tragedy. Nor can I deny that the possibility will always be there. That's why we require such safeguards as the automatic right of appeal after capital convictions. But given these safeguards, the possibility remains extremely slim. And as unfortunately as that slim risk is, like many other unfortunate risk it's one worth taking. The thousands of murders committed in the U.S.A each year require us to take it.
A full study of the cost and benefits involved the practice of capital punishment would not be confined solely to the question of whether it is a better deterrent or preventive of murder than imprisonment. Any thoroughgoing utilitarian approch to the death-penalty controversy would need to examine carefuully other cotts and bene fits as well, because maximizing the balance of all the social benefits over all the social costs is the sole criterion of right and wrong according to utilitarianism. Let us consider, therefore, some of the other costs and bene fits to be calculated. Clinical psychologists have presented evidence to suggest that the death penalty actually incites some persons of unstable mind murder others, either because they are afraid to take their own lives and hope that society will punish them for murder by putting them to death, or because they fancy that they, too, are killing with justification analogously to the lawful and presumably justified killing involved in capital punishment. If such evidence is sound, capital punishment can serve as a counter-preventive or even an incitement to murder; such incited murders become parts of its cost. Imprisonment, however, has not been known to incite any murders or other crimes of violence in a comparable fashion.
In sum, capital punishment, by the way that the state executes it might be scaring people in a certain sense. But leave these so bad crimes and their perpetrators running in the society without strongly be punished can be seen as a true weakness in the judicial field. Society has to play strongly its partition and make criminals out of boring polit people. Any way, there are certain mistakes that they have to be able to solve in the legal field just to reduce the way that innocents might be paying for nothing and be killed for other people.
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